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"I will bask in the creative after glow of Wendy Goldman Rohm's book development courses for a long, long time. During my many years as a literary agent, I attended numerous writers conferences, but none of them came close to the extraordinary events for writers that Wendy presents. Wendy, who is a best-selling author, is also a respected literary agent. She has the gift of inspiring writers to expand their visions and hone their crafts, and of sensibly instructing them how the publishing world works. To be under the spell of Wendy's wise wand, and to be supportively surrounded by other writers who are working on their books or scripts, is to be richly nurtured in the imaginative realms of words, stories, plots, themes, beliefs, characters, time, place and narrative voice. I return to my own writer's desk enlightened, enriched and energized. I am blessed by new friendships with fellow writers and am filled with gratitude for the grand literary dame who brought us all together." --Phoebe Larmore, literary agent to Margaret Atwood , Tom Robbins, and more
LIVIA MANERA SAMBUY is an Italian literary journalist and contibuting editor to the literary pages of the leading Italian daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera. She is the author of two documentary films on Philip Roth (Philip Roth Unmasked) and of the book You’ll never write about me again (Feltrinelli, Milan, 2015). Her work has appeared in The Paris Review, The New Yorker, Dave Eggers' The Believer magazine, and many others.
REBECCA WALKER is an award-winning writer and lecturer, named by Time magazine as one of the most influential leaders of her generation. She is the author of the memoirs Black, White and Jewish and Baby Love, and the editor of the anthologies To Be Real, What Makes a Man, One Big Happy Family, and Black Cool. Her writing has appeared in Bookforum, Newsweek, Real Simple, Glamour, Interview, The Washington Post, Corrierra de la Sera, French Vogue, and Marie Claire Italia, among many other international publications and literary collections. Her latest book, Adé: A Love Story, is currently being adapted for film, with Madonna attached to direct. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
FABRICE ROZIÉ was the Literary Attaché and Director of Scholarly Exchange for the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in New York from 2004 to 2007. Mr. Rozié has been on the faculty of the University St. Etienne and the Political Science Institute in Paris; later, he served the Embassy in New York as Education Director, then the French Ministry of Culture as chief executive of Mission France 2000. His first play, Transatlantic Liaison, was staged at the Theatre Marigny in Paris in 2002, and at Harold Clurman Theater in New York in 2006, and was a New York Times Critics Pick. A specialist in policies that promote literary translation, he was on the board of Centre National du Livre (Paris) and of the Advisory Board of the Center for Literary Translation at Columbia University. He writes for Le Monde des Livres and Die Zeit.
KATHLEEN GEORGE lives in Pittsburgh where she is a professor of theatre at the University of Pittsburgh. Her latest novel THE ODDS was nominated for an Edgar® award for best novel of the year by the Mystery Writers of America. She is also the author of the acclaimed novels TAKEN, FALLEN, and AFTERIMAGE, the short story collection THE MAN IN THE BUICK, scholarly theatrical books and articles, and many short stories. Her new books in 2011 are HIDEOUT, another novel in the Richard Christie series, and Pittsburgh Noir, an edited collection of short fiction set in Pittsburgh.
HILARY MASTERS He was born in Kansas City, Missouri, the son of Edgar Lee Masters, a writer, and Ellen Frances Coyne Masters. He began his writing career after graduation in New York with Bennett & Pleasant, press agents for concert and dance artists. Next he worked independently as a theatrical press agent for Off Broadway and summer theaters. He then moved into journalism. His acclaimed nonfiction and fiction works include An American Marriage (Macmillan), Cooper (Saint Martin's), Strickland (Saint Martin's), and Home Is the Exile; and the essay collection In Montaigne's Tower.